Thursday, June 11, 2015

Bible Study: What Does the Bible Say About Tattoos by Wes McAdam

Ever wondered if it's ok for Christians to get tattoos on your body?

Wes McAdam shares relevant Bible references, at the same time gives us some probing questions when we in the midst of getting tattoos.

1)    In today's culture, does having tattoo associate me righteousness & sin? 1 Thess 5:21-22 (NASB)

2)    Am I doing it for God or for myself? Is it going to glorify God by getting this tattoos?

3)   Are we honouring our parents? What do your parents say about it?

I'm really blessed by his way of sharing. May God bless Wes & his family bountifully. Continue to shine & be the Salt & Light for Jesus : )

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Hillsong United Concert in Singapore Indoor Stadium on 15 June 2014

My wife has gotten tickets for Hillsong United from Sports Hub Tix for their last performance on 15 June 2014 at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. It's probably our very first Christian Worship concert we attended so far. We couldn't choose any better one than Hillsongs United...

Below are some of the pictures & video excerpts from the worship concert at the Singapore Indoor Stadium:

Intro to #welcomezionasia at start of Hillsong United Concert

Hillsong United in Singapore - Light of the World . Everyone was using their smartphone as lights for this worship song...

Hillsong United in Singapore - your Name High

Hillsong United final night at Singapore Indoor Stadium

Capacity crowd attending Hillsong United Concert on 15 June 2014

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Lure & dangers of Prosperity Gospel by Dr Paul Choo

Preachers of the "Gospel of Prosperity" or also known as the "Health and Wealth" Gospel have often misled & blinded many... Dr Paul Choo shares how God's messages are taken out of context & the ploys of prosperity gospel preachers who manipulate believers for their personal gains...

Mat 24:3-5,10-11 (NIV) ..."Tell us," they said, "when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" Jesus answered, "Watch out that no one deceives you, for many will come in my name,.. At that time many will turn away from the faith... and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people."

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Amazing Animal Stories of Selfless Sacrifice...

These amazing animal videos clearing shows what it means in the Bible of receiving "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." - Psalm 46:1

Story of Dolphin saving a Dog from a dangerous & imminent shark attack -

Story of How a Gecko save the life of another from a tight snake's suffocation...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Some of my favourite Chinese Worship Songs...

I don't get to hear many chinese worship Songs, 讚美之泉 (Stream of Praise) & 盛曉玫 (Amy Sand) are among my favourites

1)  一生爱你 (Lifetime Loving You) - 讚美之泉

2)  這一生最美的祝福 - The Gift of Knowing You - 讚美之泉

3)  Title: 祷告 I Pray

Title: 祷告 I Pray (Source:
Hymn Series:讚美之泉 10 单单只为你,6
祷告,因为我渺小; dǎo​ gào yīn ​wèi wǒ miǎo ​xiǎo​
祷告,因为我知道我需要 dǎo ​gào yīn ​wèi​ wǒ​ zhī​ dao​ wǒ xū ​yào​
明暸,你心意对我重要。 míng liǎo,nǐ xīn ​yì​ duì​ wǒ zhòng ​yào​
祷告,已假装不了; dǎo ​gào, yǐ jiǎ ​zhuāng bù​ liǎo​;
祷告,因为你的爱我需要; dǎo ​gào, yīn ​wèi nǐ ​de ài​ wǒ xū ​yào​
你关怀,我走过的你都明白 nǐ guān​ huái,​ wǒ zǒu ​guò de nǐ​ dōu​​ míng ​bai​
有些事我只想要对你说, yǒu ​xiē shì​ wǒ zhǐ​ xiǎng ​yào duì nǐ shuō​
因你比任何人都爱我; yīn nǐ bǐ​ rèn ​hé​ rén​ dōu​ ài wǒ​
痛苦从眼中流下, tòng​ kǔ​ cóng​ yǎn ​zhōng liú xià​
我知道你为我擦。 wǒ zhī ​dao nǐ wèi wǒ​ cā​
在早晨我也要来对你说, zài zǎo ​chén wǒ yě yào lái duì nǐ shuō​
主耶稣今天我为你活; zhǔ​ Yē ​sū jīn​ tiān wǒ​ wèi nǐ huó​
所需要的力量你天天赐给我, suǒ xū​ yào​ de​ lì​ liang nǐ tiān ​tiān cì ​gěi wǒ​
你恩典够我用。 nǐ ēn​ diǎn gòu​ wǒ​ yòng​
(sing 2 times, repeat at *)
English Translation
I pray, because I am tiny and insignificant
I pray, because I know I have the need
to understand, your will and they are important to me.
I pray, this is not in a pretentious manner
I pray, because I need your love
You cared for and understood all that I have walked
There are things I would like to tell you,
Because no one loves me more than you do; *
As suffering flows from my eyes.
I know you would always wipe them away from me
Every morning I would like to say to you
O Lord Jesus, Tpday, I am living for you,
Please grant me the strength I need daily,
for your grace is sufficient for me.

4) 有一天 (One Day) -  盛曉玫 (Amy Sand)

5)  單單只為你 (For you alone) - 赞美之泉 (Stream of Praise)

6)  腳步 - Footsteps - 盛曉玫 (Amy Sand)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Flaming Christian Duo Jayesslee Gaining Fame

Really glad talented Christians are making waves in the entertainment scene... making it easier to share the Good News to pre-believers.  I seriously believe the best singers in the world are those from the church...especially those worship leaders : )

Check out the hot Australian twins group (from Korean parents) - Jayesslee performing "Price Tag" at City Harvest Church on 9 Jul 2011:

All those blessed with a good voice continue shine for our Lord Jesus!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Jesus' First and Greatest Commandment - Matt 22:37

Jesus shared the First and Greatest Commandment - Matthew 22:37

How do we interpret - "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[c] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment.

Many a time we overly simply the meaning of words & verses in the Bible & thus missing the essence of the message. 

We know Jesus is our Lord & our God.

Below is my interpretation (based on reference site - of the words - "heart", "Soul" & "Mind" used in the first & greatest commandment:

1)    "Heart"... The Hebrew word for “heart” is lebab, which means: To be enclosed—as the interior or center, hence, the heart. In the Greek, the word is kardia. It means: The seat in the center of man’s inward life—the place of human depravity or the sphere of divine influence. 

==> I would interpret "Heart" as the centre of your life, your passion, attention & your focus - thus, loving the Lord our God with all our attention or focus... putting God in the centre of our life...

2)    "Soul"... The Hebrew word for “soul” is nephesh. It means: A breathing creature—whether a person, animal or creature of the sea. The Greek word equivalent is psuche, in which we get our prefix-word, psycho, for words like: psychology, Psuche means: Breath—voluntarily but gently (basically, being alive).

Psuche is used in a very wide sense throughout the Bible regarding mans many feelings: His emotions, attitudes and will. Hence, loving God “with all your soul” is different from ‘loving God with all your heart” in that it speaks of the “emotions, attitudes and will” of a person.
1Timothy 6:11 speaks about “godliness” —being devoted to God. It is saying to CHOOSE to love God—an attitude of self-devotion to love. It is an exercising of the will (part of the soul) to love God in all situations of life. In other words, choose to do what is right and do it with the right attitude.

==> In other words, Soul is the "air" or "atmosphere" (our emotions, attitudes & will) within you that reflect or exudes "Godliness" or "Christlikeness"... 

3)   "Mind"... The Greek word Jesus used for “mind” is dianoia, which means: Deep though, exercising the mind, to think through. The word the Scribe used for mind is sunesis, which means: A putting together, to figure out, intelligence. The Hebrew equivalent (taken from Jeremiah 31:33 translated in the KJV as “inward parts”) is qereb, which means: to approach or bring near—hence, to consider and think upon.

==> Therefore, our mind is our intellect—the place where we analyze, figure-out and plan things; the place where knowledge and understanding are analyzed and manipulated to bring about a conclusion or decision.
Loving God “with all our mind” means:
  • That EVERYTHING we put in or allow in our minds is right, true and moral.
  • That we align our conclusions and decisions based upon the commandments of God and the written Word of God in all situations.
==> Thus, Jesus' first & greatest commandment for us is to love Jesus (our Lord & God) by putting Him to be (1) the centre (passion) of our life with (2) "our emotions, attitudes & will" totally reflecting Him in us (Christlike) & (3) make decisions &  conclusion based on His word & teachings.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Testimonies of Local (Singapore) TV Celebrities...

Singapore TV celebrities are accepting the Lord Jesus into their lives, many encountered the love & miracles of Jesus during their most trying moments. Below are some of their testimonies:

1)    Li Nanxing's Testimony (Mandarin) - "Triple Fall"

2)  Chew Chor Meng's Testimony (Mandarin & Teochew Version) - "Breaking away from the wrong spiritual life"

3) Jacelyn Tay's Testimony - "Two is better than one"- God not only cleared her financial situation but led Jacelyn to her other half...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Easter Drama "The King" by Trinity

Trinity Christian Centre (TCC) Creative Ministry (CM) has put together an evangelistic musical drama this Easter entitled "The King". You are cordially invited to bring your family & friends to this event...

A musical drama depicting the twists and turns in the life of a seemingly ordinary man

...from love, betrayal, his triumph as King.

What does this man’s story have to do with you and me?

Discover for yourself as The King unfolds.

Thu, Apr 21, 8pm*
Fri, Apr 22, 10am*# & 2pm#

Trinity@Paya Lebar
247 Paya Lebar Road
Level 2, Sanctuary

*Mandarin interpretations via headsets.
#Concurrent Children’s program will be available for children aged 4-12 years old at the Level 4, Summit.
Please note that there will be no Nursery for all presentations.

Map of Trinity@ Paya Lebar - 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Incredible Testimony of Pastor Bill Wilson

Pastor Robert Wilson Senior Pastor of Metro Ministries and founder of Operation Holiday Hope, shares his relentless passion for children ministry & God's grace in his journey with Him...

God has miraculously preserve him even though he was shot repeatedly twice with a revolver in the mouth by a robber...  

A true evident that no one & principalities can take away God's mission if one doesn't give up...
Pastor Bill Wilson (Metro Ministries)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

盛曉玫 Amy Sand 和她的福音歌 - 18台(KSCI) 今日洛城 訪問節目 2007

盛曉玫 Amy Sand 和她的福音歌 - featured by 18台(KSCI) 今日洛城 訪問節目 2007

The award-winning LA 18 (18台) Evening News is the most watched Chinese newscast in Southern California.

May God bless LA18!

One Day (有一天 ) by Amy Sand (Claymusic)

有一天 "One Day" is one of my favourite worship song by Amy Sand (盛曉玫) from (泥土音樂)

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Lord's Prayer taught in Book of Matthew (馬 太 福 音) & Luke (路 加 福 音)

Recorded in the Gospel of Matthew (6:9-13) & Gospel of Luke (11:2-4), Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray after one of them asked.  Jesus taught the disciples the Lord's Prayer:












Luke 11

Jesus' Teaching on Prayer
2He said to them, "When you pray, say:
   " 'Father,[a]
   hallowed be your name,
   your kingdom come.[b]
 3Give us each day our daily bread.
 4Forgive us our sins,
      for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.[c]
   And lead us not into temptation.[d]' "
(NIV Bible Verse from

The Lord's Prayer in King James Version:

The Lord's Prayer in Chinese Union Version (Simplified):

路 加 福 音 11

2 耶 稣 说 : 你 们 祷 告 的 时 候 , 要 说 : 我 们 在 天 上 的 父 ( 有 古 卷 只 作 : 父 阿 ) : 愿 人 都 尊 你 的 名 为 圣 。 愿 你 的 国 降 临 ; 愿 你 的 旨 意 行 在 地 上 , 如 同 行 在 天 上 ( 有 古 卷 无 愿 你 的 旨 意 云 云 ) 。

 3 我 们 日 用 的 饮 食 , 天 天 赐 给 我 们 。
 4 赦 免 我 们 的 罪 , 因 为 我 们 也 赦 免 凡 亏 欠 我 们 的 人 。 不 叫 我 们 遇 见 试 探 ; 救 我 们 脱 离 凶 恶 ( 有 古 卷 无 末 句 ) 。

Additional Info from Matthew 6:5-8

5"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 6But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Trinity Christian Centre 40th Anniversary - Part 1

This year is Trinity Christian Centre's 40th Anniversary.

Trinitarians celebrates with Singapore Largest Birthday Card. The record setting event is officiated by the President of Singapore Book of Records... Be prepared for more events to come in the following months...All Glory to God!

For more info kindly visit TCC's website at

Friday, July 23, 2010

Memoir of Don Moen in Singapore (2-5 Aug '07)

Don Moen is my Favourite International Worship Leader

Photo taken from

He recently came to Singapore for the Festival of Praise (FoP) @ Singapore Indoor Stadium.

I've also attended another session whereby he was a special guest @ SSC on 2 Aug '07. A FGBMFI event.

Don's message that night : "Be yourself in the marketplace (don't try to be someone else), also try to be a friend to sinners just like Jesus & lastly, Don't finish in flesh where God began in the Spirit"

All Glory to God for His Blessed Message !!